Thursday, February 20, 2020

Blogging tips and tricks

1. Be smart in selecting the content topic.
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If you write something that no one or only a few people are interested in, you’ll have difficulty generating blog traffic, regardless of how well-crafted your article is. So, how do you capture the attention of your market?

Write relevant topics – subjects that your target audiences search about online. This is why Google Trends is considered the “BFF” of bloggers. It’s mainly where you – and every other blogger – can see which keywords and key phrases your market uses in their online search. Aside from Google Trends, you can also use BuzzSumo and SEMrush.

While following topic trends is important, it’s also crucial that you choose the topics that fit your market, content strategy and brand. Capturing the attention of your market with the right topics is a significant step in standing out from your competition.

2. Prioritize long tail keywords.
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Neil Patel explained it well. Focusing on single keywords doesn’t work anymore – at least, not as a viable SEO technique as before. It’s extremely hard to rank specific keywords, so rather than targeting them, emphasize standard terms that often appear in conjunction with your content’s main keyword.

3. Start with your headlines.
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Headlines matter. People who search online almost always reads the headline to gauge if they will read the article or not. There are a lot of strategies on how to write engaging headlines, but the two important factors you must always keep in mind are the following:

Treat your headline as a promise. The content is where you deliver that promise.
Regardless of how you construct your headline, it must always leave an unanswered question. And yes, the answer will be the content.
Recommended Headline Generator Tools:
1.Fast Headline Creator
2.Kick ass Headline Generator
3.Hub spot's Blog Topic Generator
4.Headline Wizard by Tim Gross
4.Monitor trends.
In the online world where everything is practically a competition, in most cases, you need to strike while the iron is hot. Find out what’s hot and new in general and in your industry, and write about it. Avoid rehashing what’s been said about the trend. Instead, emphasize why it’s the new “it” thing and add relevant information about it. Also, make sure to connect your brand to the trend.
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4 Recommended Tools to Monitor Trends:
1.Google Trends
2.Google Insights for Search
3.Twitter's trending topics
4.News Map
5. Run a giveaway.
Although this tip is geared towards business blogs, personal blogs can also run a contest to generate more traffic. Create a special offer like winning a huge discount on your favorite product or give away a special package for free. Your blog readers can be contest participants and win the prize if they share your game on different social media platforms.
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Go a head Create your blog and start gurney..! 

3 Interesting Facts About Petroleum

1Igniting gasoline

In an experiment, researchers tried 2000 times to ignite gasoline with a lit cigarette, but failed 100% of the time. Liquid gas can't be ignited by a lit cigarette but the gas fumes from the pump can ignite from a cigarette, but only if that cigarette is burning at 450°C which they don't unless you puff on them. Unpuffed cigarette burns at 400°C, while puffed cigarette burns at 900°C.

2Asphalt pavement

As of 2009, over 3 million tons of asphalt pavements have been recycled and there is over a 99% recycling rate for asphalt.

3Soy biodiesel

If all the corn and soybean production in the U.S was diverted to corn ethanol and soy biodiesel, it would meet only 12% of gasoline demand and 6% of diesel demand.